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Part 2 of our definitive guide to what all GC operators need to know will examine how to select the correct detector for your application as well as which parameters can and should be optimized. We will discuss what an optimum GC method looks like and how to implement a written method - including what choices need to be made in relation to the carrier gas, setting up the inlet etc. If your lab requires higher throughput then our insights into speeding up GC will be invaluable. Finally, even the best developed method and most well maintained GC instrument can develop problems; therefore, we will finish this webcast by letting you into a few secrets on how the experts troubleshoot GC problems.


Topics include:

  • How common detectors such as FID, NPD, and ECD work
  • Which parameters are critical for a successful GC method?
  • How to perform faster GC separations
  • Troubleshooting tips directly from our experts