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CHROMtalks - The Selectivity Landscape in Reversed-Phase LC—Using Selectivity Models to Find Columns that Are Similar, or Different

Choosing a reversed-phase (RP) liquid chromatography column from the hundreds of options available from manufacturers can be challenging. On the one hand, it is great to have so many options to choose from, in terms of both stationary phase chemistries (C18, PFP, and so on) and physical characteristics (particle size, diameter, and so on). On the other hand, narrowing the number of options down to the point of choosing just one can be difficult. How do we choose? In this presentation, I will discuss the Hydrophobic Subtraction Model (HSM) of RP selectivity that can be used as a tool to guide this selection process. I will briefly review fundamental aspects of the model and the evolution of the free, public database of column characteristics over the past 20 years. Then, I will discuss how the HSM and database can be used to select columns with similar, slightly different, or very different selectivities. In the end, of course, candidate columns must be evaluated with actual samples, but the HSM database is a powerful resource for exploring potential candidates that can save time and money in the method development process.

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