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Effective HPLC Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting is an essential skill for all HPLC users. By looking at the top 5 problems submitted to the CHROMacademy troubleshooter we will provide you with the fundamentals of troubleshooting which can be applied to any problem you encounter. We will discuss troubleshooting problems with your separation and relate these to instrument, sample preparation, and column issues enabling you to troubleshoot problems more effectively and avoid issues in the future.


Topics include:

  • Common sources of the top 5 HPLC problems
      • Peak tailing
      • Peak splitting
      • Positive baseline drift
      • Peak fronting
      • Variable peak height/area
  • Strategies to confirm and isolate the problem
  • Explaining how to solve the problem
  • Knowledge on how to avoid the problem in the future