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What LC-MS Operators Need to Know

Thursday, July 18th, 2024
8am PDT | 11am EDT | 4pm BST | 5pm CET

Many people use HPLC with mass spectrometric detection without properly understanding the working principles or key parameters. Every LC-MS operator should have certain knowledge and skills to produce the right quality data in the most efficient manner. This webcast highlights this knowledge and provides a very pragmatic guide to the day to day operation of an HPLC system with mass spectrometric detection as well as a valuable insight into the important variables from any LC-MS method. If you are using HPLC-MS instruments, and would like to know more about how they work and how to get the best from them, this webcast is for you!


Topics include:

  • The working principles of API-MS interfaces
  • How to optimize mobile phase composition and flow for best response
  • How to design and optimize your mass analyzer settings
  • How to spot and fix problem


Dr. Dawn Watson (CHROMacademy Product Manager, Element)

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