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ChromTalks 2023 - Troubleshooting Gas Chromatography ON DEMAND

Find the talks from Day 1 of ChromTalks 2023, Troubleshooting GC Workflows. These are all available on demand on CHROMacademy, as well as suggested supporting content. Just login or sign up for a free Lite account to unlock the talks. 

This year, our focus is on helping you troubleshoot your chromatographic workflows, from sample preparation through detection, for gas chromatography (GC). Our expert talks will provide you with both specific troubleshooting tips as well as explanations of the underlying processes to guide you through both making the best choices for your separation up front as well as fixing problems that may arise later. 

Troubleshooting GC Sample Introduction 

Colin Towers, Element Lab Solutions, Strathaven, UK 

Current Issues with Sample Preparation for Gas Chromatography 

Tom Brettell, Cedar Crest College 

GC Sample Introduction—The Achilles Heel of GC 

Mary Ellen McNally, FMC Corporation 

GCxGC: It’s Not That Hard—Really! 

Melissa Dunkle (presenter), Pascal Pijcke, Matthijs Ruitenbeek, and George Bellos, all at Dow Benelux BV, Terneuzen, The Netherlands 

Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting for Sulfur and Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detectors

Randall Shearer, PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 

Access all this content, and much more, with a CHROMacademy membership. Find about our licence options and access ChromTalks 2023 content with a free Lite account.